Tonight, talking to my friend Monica in the grand city of Boston, Mass,, the topic of being perceived as a high-maintenance female came up. AM I high maintenance? Most certainly not! I'm not high maintenance...I just know what I want! Perception is a very strange thing...especially across the sexes. We all think and perceive things so differently. Whatever the case may be, I don't require anything from ANYBODY to make my world go round. As far as I am concerned, my world will turn with OR without you!
On that note, I have been told that I am an intimidating person (at first). I don't think I am intimidating, but then again... I'm not you.
Ambiance is the name of the color I am painting my living room. It is a pale wash of sunlit yellow.
I could use some ambiance in my life!
Oh and just so you know.., the 'ambience' looks more like neon lemon puke. I need to get it tinted and remixed. Joyous!