I looked at him, held up my laundry detergent and said, "Oh my Gawd! I am sooo sorry". He smiled ear to ear. Fucking Great Jen. It takes a lot to embarrass me, but sometimes I do a REALLY good job ALL BY MYSELF! Go figure. lol
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Embarrassing Apartment Moment
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Speed Dating R Us
When Penny asked cat guy #3 how he liked to spend his weekend evenings, he replied with 'cat burritos'...yes I said cat burritos. Cat guys #3 proceeded to explain how he doesn't go out, but usually just wraps his cat up in a blanket like a burrito, at which point if he didn't do it fast enough then Muffy, his cat, would swat him with her paw.
The turn out for the event was pretty decent, I suppose. There were a total of thirteen guys, the conversations felt somewhat like awkward job interviews, at which point I would just ask a random question. Randomosity entertains me, what can I say? They give you a list of the guys there and you are supposed to jot down a fact or two about them to give you something to remember him by. I thought you'd be entertained by my list, so I am posting it!
1. Likes Guinness. Very serious. Feels like I'm talking to my boss.
2. Bad Water skier..policeman .and Yummy!
3. ex-AF IT contractor guy. cat. can talk.
4. Seattle, hangs out w. cat on Saturday night. IT guy
5. Parts his hair from the opp. side of head. weird. IT guy.
6. Clearly drunk. Nebraska fan..but the annoying kind.
7. Tucks in shirt weird.. IT guy (again)
8. Says tattoos hurt, but mine is 'cute' IT guy.
9. Rome. wouldn't intro. me to his mother (LOL)
10. The Italian mobster type that likes porn. (don't ask- he was funny)
11. Looks like a Mormon but prolly Air Force. (untuck your shirt)
12. IT guy, moonlights as a photographer.
13. PE teacher pedophile. weird vibe.
You entertained yet?
Friday, September 18, 2009
SWIM-Urban Decay- Omaha Fashion Week Showage
Then I headed BACK to work where Kim Fabulous was visiting from Urban Decay. Then Kim, Penny and I headed downtown for the Omaha Fashion Week Boutique show. Such a good time! Thanks Penny Pen for making it happen!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
High Maintenance Ambiance
On that note, I have been told that I am an intimidating person (at first). I don't think I am intimidating, but then again... I'm not you.
Ambiance is the name of the color I am painting my living room. It is a pale wash of sunlit yellow. I could use some ambiance in my life!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sassy Camcorder Sandwich
Chloe is the sassiest of all my nieces. She definitely does things her way, like this for instance...She only eats sandwiches from the side. You can see her mad-doggin me here! At one point, I told her I was glad that we were buddies. She said, "We are NOT buddies Aunt Jenny"! When I asked her what we were, she said, "We are QUEENS"! I nearly peed myself. If I followed her around with a video camera, you would be VERY entertained- SWEAR!
Speaking of video camera; I just won one on eBay. Here's to hoping it isn't a complete piece of poopity blech blech!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fat Checked
Anyhauser, haven't had my fat checked since 2006. Today. Today, I will have my fat checked. I am excited and nervous at the same time.
I am meeting with a new trainer, in my new/ old town in exactly 30 minutes!
This is a perfect starting point for me to start taking better care of myself, no matter what. I will take better care of myself physically, because of the following reasons:
1. Health care is expensive, this is relatively cheap and is VERY preventative against high health care bills later on in life.
2. Setting a good example for my little one is very important to me. I truly equate being strong and sharp mentally shows itself physically as well. Once I can effectively meet and exceed my own personal goals then meeting and exceeding everyone else seems completely do-able.
3.Once I snap myself back into the rhythm, I can work part-time as a personal trainer for girls only again.
4.I have the tendency to being lazy. I know I do, so this is my way of preventing it.
5. Most women I know take care of everyone else FIRST and magically forget about themselves. I feel as though I can take better care of the people around me, when ME is taken care of FIRST. 'ME FIRST MAN'
This month I will only focus on these goals, anything else is just bonus!
1. I will go to the gym at least three times a week.
I will drink more water.
I will eat clean at least four days a week (by 'clean' I mean, lots of fresh veg, clean proteins and no refined sugars and starches).
My head feels clearer when I do these things, so that is where I will start. Ciao
(I may take a picture later-in which case I will post to this same post- telling/showing the world about it is PERFECT motivation- clearly)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thrift World Awesomeness
I went in to see if it was still there. It was, and had been marked down to 499$ (still more than I had saved at that point). I asked them if they would take 399$ instead. The nice lady at the counter called the owner and promptly said, "Yes! It has been here forever!"
I excitedly paid for it and called my dad, whom was strategically in town for a couple of days to see new grand baby Noah and celebrate his 53rd Birthday. My dad has a truck. SCORE! I asked him to help, so he and my brother met me in South Omaha at Thrift Town to pick up my newest prize! yay yay yay yay
I didn't mention to my dad that there were lots of pieces (It took two trips) OR the fact that I live on the third floor of my building. :)
Here is a picture of it. (There is actually one other matching over sized love seat couch that goes with it. That one didn't fit in my living room, so I put it at the foot of my bed in my room- perfecto!On the house note...my kitchen needs a BIG canvas. I'm not very motivated at the moment (mainly because I desperately want to paint my living room now). ANyhoodle, I DID finish the brown trim on the bottom of the stripes though! (This is also the spot that needs some sort of artish something.)
Friday, September 11, 2009
New Car
First you must know that I absolutely HATE car payments...but I am begining to feel the same way about my car. She is dependable and cute, but could use a little 'make-up', if you know what I mean. This is her.
The clear coat is starting to peel on the front bumper, She needs rims, a stereo system with an ipod hookup, also DESERATLEY needs new interior. Whoever had the car before me-was a complete and UTTER SLOB. Once I had it for two months the stains in the upholstry began to surface. It looks gross. No matter how many times I've had them cleaned, the filth surfaces. I have seat covers on the front seats, but the back seat has no hope. I think if those things were 'fixed', I'd be happier with her. 2004 Kia Rio, bare with me...I'm not gonna break up with you, I won't use and loose you; I'll just make you A-MAZING, so I can bare your FACE for longer! lol
This is what will help you Rio:
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My New Redness

Amy did my hair today before work. It's all Redkin color and super shiny scrumptious! She did a rich dark auburn brown with cranberry slices of redness! Added some shorter layers- I call it my grown-up emo hair.

Photo Shoot Fabulousness

Reverse Mojo Magic Powers
I have the ability to turn the perfect prince INTO a sticky old frog.
I also stopped looking for Mr. Right cause Mr. Wrong's are kinda fun- clearly.
Spazoid Mojo LOL
Don't Hate!
LOL. We ALL use lol, if you don't... you should as a time saving technique and to date yourself up with the rest of us here in the twentieth century.
Spaz. I used spaz to describe myself to strangers. Don't you think that is nice of me? Nobody likes surprises! Though I often refer to myself as a spaz, I am the most controlled spaz I know- just sayin'
Mojo. mojo makes my world go round, mojo is what makes me tic. Mojo isn't sexual, or egotistical; My mojo is the secret ingredient that makes me mysteriously in control of my own everything! If I owned a restaurant...it would be called Mojo. I would serve things like mojo-rito's and mojo-rita's and would reserve the right to kick you out for bringin bad mojo into my place of doom paradise. If I owned a dog, her name would be Mojo (I don't do boy dogs) and if I had a recipe for Mojo.....well...it's mine! You can't have it!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Honk and Wave at Strangers
The last time I needed entertainment like that, I stood in my front yard pointing my blowdryer at oncoming traffic to see who would slow down.