Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day Numero Tres

Today was perfect! Wanna know why?

I am STILL in my comfy pants and hoody! The same comfy pants and hoody that I put on last night before I went to bed! Ha!

Today was another snow day for Cierra, only I didn't have to work this time. Since I didn't work (yay, yay, yay), I got to sleep in! We got out of the house around noon to have breakfast at Village Inn with Gramma B. It took us a little while to get there because I had to dig my car out again, don't worry...tomorrow I will take pictures (I'm getting quite good at this shoveling business). The shovel in my trunk has become a permanent fixture this winter.

Today was also perfect because I got a lot done with little effort! I took an exam, cleaned and downsized my kitchen clutter, baked cookies did laundry and then rewarded myself by eating cookies...LOTS OF COOKIES.

Aren't they perfect?!

For the record...I WASN'T even going to bake cookies, until I saw THIS fabulousness on

Yesterday, when Cierra was at work with me, she got her haircut by Fabulous Amy. She looks so grown up with her hair this length. le sigh.

Spent a lot of time in the kitchen today. (not complaining)Cierra's favorite meal on the face of this planet that I make is spaghetti. I made it for us tonight to celebrate the fact that she is having ANOTHER snow day tomorrow! Snow day numero tres! Holy Cow!

THEN I got to catch up with Valency Fabulous; yay!


  1. SO excellent catching up with you! I seriously need to blog... Shane's home all day today because he's flying nights so he's in my way & bugging my zen... God love him...

    I LOVE Cierra's hair! She looks adorable! And that cookie ring is just excellent... The cookies you baked look like fat little bundles of delish...

  2. Yeah, yeah, you needs-ta-blog. I'll inspire you by visiting in March (Can't wait!)

    I rolled those cookies in cinnamon sugar; delightful and delightful they WERE!


  3. You need homemade vanilla ice cream to go along with those cookies!
