Monday, January 11, 2010

101 Things About Me

1) Name is Jennifer, but most people call me Jen and all of my family and long-time friends call me "Jenny'.

2) My online alias everywhere (aside from Facebook) is 'Jennylynn or Jennylynn13'. Lynn is my middle name and I grew up in Texas; thus 'Jennylynn'.

3) Wants to be a college-level Instructor, eventually a Professor, 'when I grow up'.

4) Love, love, love cereal.

5) I would like to operate a bulldozer for fun at some point during my lifetime!

6) Loves coffee.

7) My favorite sport to play is volleyball.

8) I REALLY love camping, though I don't get to that often!

9) Italian is my favorite food.

10) Speaking of Italian, I prefer men with dark eyes and dark hair (like all the men in my family).

11) My favorite flowers on the face of this planet are Day Lillies and Gerber Daisies.

12) My favorite ice cream is Jamoca Almond Fudge from Baskin Robins.

13) I can listen to the same song over and over again and still like it!

14) I love mechanical pencils.

15) I believe a smile can work magic.

16) Doesn't like to cry in front of people (I tend to see it as a weakness, though I'm not quite sure how I came to think that way.)

17) I love movies just not sad ones.

18) I don't mind tedious, mindless tasks like sorting, organizing or counting.(It is strangely calming)

19) I LOVE doing the dishes. (It is a zen moment for me. I started doing my families' dishes when I was ten. I would strategically volunteer RIGHT before I went to bed, so I could stay up late. I loved it then; just me, the radio, the dishes and quiet-time away from my big loud family!)

20) I don't get nervous or embarassed easily.

21) I know more words to country songs, than I look like I do. lol

22) I don't sleep well alone, which is one reason, aside for obnoxious amounts of homework, that I normally stay up so late. ( I shared a room with my sister until I was 17; I think that has something to do with it)

23) I am a total light-weight and rarely, if ever, get drunk.

24) I can't stand disrespectful women and men (mainly the way each treats the other)

25) I don't have a 'junk drawer'.

26) I LOVE cooking, but don't do it as often as I should these days.

27) I am a morning person...just a quiet one these days!

28) As a kid I went to The Annual Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup, EVERY. SINGLE, SUMMER!

29) I've eaten rattlesnake.

30) I've also eaten crickets (fried up with red chili and put in a tortilla) Yes, it was good, if you could get past the texture.

31) I was married for six years.

32) I've been divorced for four years, separated for longer, and have been completely legit single for a year now.

33) I'm good at relationships, but bad at dating. (I don't do casual well...unless it's on my terms) lol

34) Though I was married; I was never proposed to or had a proper wedding.

35) I was three months pregnant when I got married.

36) My daughter is now a very smart, very beautiful 9 year old!

37) My best friends don't live close to me; they are the reason I am so well 'connected'.

38) I am really close to my family.

39) I hate folding/ ironing laundry.

40) I like big chunky costume jewelry.

41) I collect camera necklaces.

42) All my dishes are white.

43) I think dirty dish sponges and make-up brushes, are the most disgusting thing on the planet.

44) I cannot pay bills or do homework, if the room I am in is messy.

45) The music I listen to changes with the weather.

46) I'd rather be cold than hot.

47) I HATE sweating, unless I am working out.

48) I appreciate straight-forward people and have low tolerance for people whom beat around the bush.

49) I've been to Disneyland, but only as an adult!

50) I've never been to New York City

51) Before I was in the Cosmetics Industry, I was in the Airline/Travel Industry (Travel Agent, Tour Guide and Passenger Service Agent, Flight School Ops. Manager) I really loved it, but 9-11 threw a wrench in that. BIG TIME!

52) I LOVE playing video games.

53) I think trust is the most important thing on the planet.

54) I've seen a tornado, on several different occasions. they are mesmerizing.

55) I was a white water rafting guide the first summer after my divorce. (Taos Box Class 5's)

56) I got my sleeve (tattoo) after my divorce. ( It marked significance in a lot of different ways)

57) My favorite color is blue.

58) My favorite outfit would be my Express cuffed skinny jeans, peep-toe stilettos and a scoop-neck, racer-back wife beater, with loads of layered necklaces!

59) I LOVE getting dressed up!

60) I adore portrait photography and am pretty decent at it!

61) I started blogging because my friend Valency said I should, this is also the reason I twittered and facebooked. LOL

62) I love blogging, it is am escape (and occasional dumping site for my headspace)!

63) I LOVE old cars. (The guys in my family were never car guys.)

64) I took shop in high school, but was forced out for being a girl. (I think that's the reason I am even MORE drawn to cars as an adult)

65) My first drag races were in Arizona (NHRA). Also went to several in the UK.

66) I went to State all four years I was on Speech/Debate Team in high school (Extemporaneous Speaking and Cx Debate)

67) My favorite Holiday is Christmas.

68) You will always find a calendar in my kitchen.

69) I went to Bible College in Missouri for my first year in College.

70) My Bachelor's degree is in Aeronautics, though I am in the Cosmetics Industry now. ha ha

71) I love cheese (mainly mature, sharp cheddar)

72) I prefer beer over hard liquor or wine.

73) I have no ambitions for my daughter. She can be what she wants to be; I believe she is even more fantastic because of it.

74) I love telling stories and making people laugh in the process.

75) I USED to bite my nails obsessively. I thought, and still think it is gross.

76) I Adore nail polish almost as much as my Urban Decay brow box and Hypnose mascara.

77) I am a freak about skincare and always have a travel size moisturizer and cleanser in my purse.

78) I love eating outside when it isn't freezing or scorching.

79) I'd prefer a house full of people over an empty one, any day!

80) I have morals, but I'm not a prude.

81) I once chased guys with their own bee bee gun for shooting my beloved dog with it. (My sister took the gun from me; I was about fifty pumps in)

82) When I was 18, moved out, and no longer living with my parents, they grounded my sister from seeing me to punish me. It worked.

83) I am a procrastinator.

84) I am a good driver.

85) I prefer to drive a manual over automatic.

86) I get into a funk in the winter time, but it only lasts a month or two (and nobody but me really notices)

87) I didn't carry a purse for YEARS, but now carry my black braided handle hobo bag EVERYWHERE.

88) My boobs aren't 'real'.

89) I don't like jelly beans.

90) I will never forget looking my name 'Jenny' up in the dictionary when I was 7, to find that it meant 'female donkey'. I came to terms with being a stubborn ass at an early age. ha ha

91) I am much stronger than I look, I also weigh a lot more than I look like I do.

92) I am a 'Taurus'. It is written all over me. I am stubborn, loyal, determined, stable, blah blah blah.

93) I had a blood transfusion after I delivered my daughter. If it had been 10 years earlier, I would've died. THANK GOD for technology!

94) I would do it again. I love being a mom.

95) I love sushi, even the raw varieties!

96) I press snooze on my alarm clock at least three times in the morning, and prefer to be woken up by people (It is much more effective)
97) My mom and dad divorced when I was 23; it was weird, but wouldn't change it.

98) I like vinyl/ Japanese toys and cute little fabric monsters.

99) I ALWAYS got the citizenship and 'friendliest' award at school.

100) I don't like miracle whip.

101) I hated mashed potatoes when I was little.

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