Monday, January 11, 2010

Get My Run On!

It is official I am all signed up for the Lincoln Half Marathon on my Birthday! yay! I've been running, BUT not consistently, no thanks to the weather! My plan is to simply put the miles on my body. I am starting with two mile runs four times a week. Next week will go to 2.5 miles four times. The week after...2.5 to 3 FIVE times per week. You get the picture. blah blah blah.

When I feel like I can't breath and my lungs are going to fall out, I just think of how great my legs are gonna look by May. ha ha ha Whatever works, you know?!?!

Speaking of running, I SERIOUSLY need to go sports bra shopping. (I am convinced, I don't need a bra; I need a compression chamber) lol

Just uploaded some different songs to my running mix, I'm super excited to run tomorrow! These songs are little more poppish than I normally listen to, but they make me happy to run! (even though I prefer running outside without music at all.....Warm weather, COME TO MAMA

(Playlist removed by me, because I wanna play different music now. Sue me! I am occasionally an impatient, ADD child; I can't help it!)


  1. I didn't quite know what to think when I visited your page and I heard Miley Cyrus! Haha, definitely some great pump you up songs for running:) I'm attempting to get back into the workout routine myself. . .

  2. Ha ha. I really like that song (mainly because I have a nine year old and we have dance off's to Miley Cyrus in our living room) lol
