SO today, even though there was still a lot of snow on the ground, I F I N A L L Y got my bike! Yay! I am in LUST! Cannot wait for this stuff to melt so I can ride! (My sister thought it was funny to take pictures from her nice warm car) ha ha
Water Logged
Today I swam for the first time. Okay, well not really; but it sure felt like it! (I used to swim laps when I lived in the UK, until the pool there took a dump. I also swam over a decade ago when I life guarded and taught swim lessons at the Salvation Army camp.
The Bellevue Swim Club has as 'adult training session' on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30. It is all drill-based swimming. I have NEVER swam drills before in my LIFE (I've never swam competitively).
I will tell you this much....I STILL feel water-logged, I am pretty sure my lungs are giving me the finger right now and and I am equally sure that I swallowed half the pool during the last half of warm-ups. That being said, by the end of the session, I got my breathing in check, nailed down a rhythm and just relaxed. It was GREAT!
If anyone in Bellevue is reading this, feel free to come out. It's only 2$ per session (You buy a $20 punch card). Good times! Your body will love you later....which is all that really matters, if you ask me!
I Love Target Almost As Much As Jersey Shore
I love Target because the other day, I found the PERFECT rug for my living room for only $39.95!!! It used to be 150$! I think someone hid it, but FINDERS KEEPERS! HA! :) Here is a before and after picture; I think it really brings the sectional together and makes the living room feel nice and cozy!
got this shirt from her swimteam. Her group is called the Cuda's. Everytime she wears this shirt, I laugh. (I think it looks a lot like 'Guido', rather than 'Cudas' (you see the print-relation here right? lolTo prove to you how obsessed I am with Jersey Shore (only the BEST brainless television out right now), Here is my proof! lol I came across this, completely randomly. I call him 'Stick-Guidoman'.
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