Today was perfect. Went to work, C went to school. We were home by 4:30. Cierra had her after school snack and did her homework while I made dinner. Some of my family came over for dinner at 6. Gettin back in the groove of things feels sooo nice! I love cooking dinner (most nights) after I get home from work...there is something very calming about it.

Below is Cierra who is contently doing her first homework assignment of the year..
Take a look at the table...My sister and Jason got this table for me as a surprise. I had my eye on it (Salvation Army for 30 BUCKS!). It is so beautiful. I will show you all later once I have the bench built in. I am going to maximize the space I have, it's gonna be rad!
Here's what's for dinner..well PART of it anyway! (The lasagna was gone before I could take a pictures of it)
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