It consisted of shiny black leggings from Target, a layered black top and some mary janes. The wig we pickedm up is HORRID, I will have to find a better one before Halloween. I am going to do her makeup with white baby powder, because she already has casper white and I am pretty sure this is the only way I am gonna get her whiter. She wants fake lashes and dark red lipstick and black fingernails. (I am convinced that dark red lips are the MAIN reason she wants to be a goth girl. Move over Morticia, my lil Goth Girl's gonna look RAD!
Monday, October 26, 2009
My Little Goth Girl
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Broken Gym Speakers
At Powerhouse in Bellevue, the gym voice-over announcements play once every five to ten minutes or so. IF this weren't annoying enough, they SOUND like a bad K-mart annoucement, over blown speakers.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Subconscious Adrenaline Junky
I REALLY wish I could be one of those people who does everything in advance, but that has never been me. (Not true, there was a short spurt when I was married that I actually got things done in advance and went to bed early and blah blah, blah, blah) THAT, my friend, is what boredum'll do to you! I just don't think I possess those traits myself. I'm a subconscious adrenaline junky....seriously.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Long Hair Blunders
I've been actively growing my hair out for two years now. The last time my hair was this long was back in 2006/2007. Back then I had harsh bleach blonde on the top portion of my head, that I wasn't properly taking care of. There is nothing worse than dull lifeless blonde hair on a natural brunette.
Have you ever seen an old woman with gorgeous hair? I used to have a few that shopped religiously at Dillard's. If you ask me; gorgeous healthy hair is like a fountain of youth! See the difference between the mature woman with smooth healthy hair and the younger woman? (The one on your left is 31, the one on your right is 59)
I HAD to have long healthy hair again, so I had my hairstylist cut it off (two years ago, so I could have a 'do-over'. She gradually added low-lights to bring my hair back to its natural color. Since then, my hair has been different shades of brown/red. For some reason, every guy I've dated over the course of the decade has liked me better with blonde hair. First, you must know IF you date guys that prefer blondes, they will ALWAYS prefer blondes. Guys don't really get the fact that blonde doesn't look good on everybody!
I've learned a lot about myself since then. I need to have my dark brown/auburn hair for it to be healthy and shine-tabulous. For any man that has blonde-hair suggestions for me; the complaint department is closed, you can put your suggestions HERE!
Before AMY cut my hair last, I felt like it was at a plateau. I bought Alterna Caviar shampoo/ conditioning products because they are sulfate and paraben free. I get a discount, so it was more affordable. There are products such as Tigi sulfate free shampoos/ conditioners that are a bit cheaper than the caviar line; you just really need to read the labels! My hair is showing a BIG improvement and finally looks like it is growing again. I'm no Kardashian, but my hair WILL be that length sooner than later!
Lemonade Ambiance Puke Walls

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Whatta Weekend!
My last official day off was Thursday which was FAB! I will give you a play-by-play, since you asked!
Wednesday night is ladies night at Lacy's. A group of close girlfriends (and Kyle, who is the most fabulous of us all-clearly) crash Lacy's house for modge poodeg dinner and wine. ALl the kids play and we vent about our week. It is my mid-week therapy- Be very jealous! This Wednesday, I took my video camera with me. Aren't you excited? Ever ask a kid for relationship advice? Let me tell you it is VERY entertaining! Check it out!
I woke up Thursday, took C to school, and went directly to my sisters house. We decided to go shopping with my mom for Fall yumness!
Next, I picked up Cierra, did the homework thang and then got ready for my date. My sister and mom graciously watched Cierra for me, so that my friend Lacy and I could double date with Hot Toddy (the 'YUM' from speed dating), and his friend Patrick. Good Times! I HAS A THIRD date (dun, dun dun, dun). Oh I am so excited!
Stupid Fights
The stupidest thing, hands down, that I've ever gotten into an argument over was Diet COKE. IT WAS RIDICULOUS-CLEARLY.
What's the stupidest thing you've ever goten into a fight over?
Recently on, I found an article depicting other people's 'stupid fights'- enjoy!
"The Most Ridiculous Fights Ever
Couples dish on the stupidest and silliest fights they've ever had, and The Nest chimes in with tips on how to be sure you're fighting fair.
We had a standoff for almost a week to see who would give in first and finally buy toilet paper. For the record, I won. — steve+mel
How to pronounce Cameron Diaz's name. I said "dee-oz" and he insisted it was "dee-as." Who cares? I didn't speak to him for the rest of the night. — mcnam002
We got into a fight while assembling the furniture in our new house. If we made it through that, we'll make it through anything! — AubreyDub
It was over a t-shirt.'Nuff said. A t-shirt! — aim7896
Whether or not to tuck in the sheets at the end of the bed — every time I make the bed, I tuck them in, and every night, he untucks them. — KDTully
Fighting Fair
Some of your relationship fights may not be as silly as these. Here are some rules about fighting fairly, so you can get the most out of the argument:
1. Avoid repeats: If you find you're fighting about the same thing over and over again, your heated words aren't effective, no matter how many times you say them. Find a new method. It might mean that you have to compromise or see a professional mediator (like a religious official or therapist).
2. Be open-minded: As hard as it sounds, put yourself in your mate's shoes to consider his point of view. Can you empathize at all? Try to. And explain yourself so he can do the same.
3. Listen: Don't cut each other off. The best way to get the most out of an argument is to really hear what the other person is saying and to try to figure out where she's coming from. The only way to do that is to stop thinking about how pissed off you are and to listen. So don't plan the next point you're going to make; try to learn more about the cause of this tiff. Oh, and keep your voice down. Everything sounds and seems much worse when it's loud.
4. Remember the real point: As much as you want to be right the purpose of argument is to learn more about your partner and what you need from each other. Try to find a compromise so neither of you has to"win" (unless one of you really screwed up). That way, the real point of this disagreement is fighting for your relationship.
5. And remember: It takes two to tango, so keep in mind that no matter how you slice it you're half the problem. But if you talk to each other openly and with respect, you'll quickly kiss and make up.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
As If Urinals Weren't YUCKY Enough...
Today at work some guy came up to me and said, "Thought I'd let you know that someone pooped in the urinal", and then he walked out. Just like that.
Eeew, really?
Here is my thoughts on how this went down:
"There he sat to take a shit;
he pushed a load,
But nothing showed,
he realized something was amiss,
he went in there to take a piss."
Remember the one who TOLD me about the poop in the urinal?
I think it was him..but whatever.
He was pissed that his chick was taking so long in the store. Some guys have no clue. If I was THAT guy and I was pissy because my chick dragged me into the foo foo cosmeticon that is ULTA, I would have gone about things QUITE a bit different.
How to get your chick out of a foo foo girly girl store 101
1. Tell her to take as long as she wants.
She'll aprreciate this and let her guard down, so you can work your magic.
2. Head over to talk to the girls who run the joint. Start asking them questions about products, even if you don't care about them (TRUST ME HERE).
I guarantee you, the minute she hears laughter or even talking coming from the store where her man is...she'll be cued up and ready to check out in a New York second.See how that works? You win and you didn't even do anything wrong! After all, you were "researching" presents for her! lol
In the instance you are the poor soul that gets dragged down every isle kicking and screaming...there's your sign....just sayin'.