Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Like a Challenge...It's In My Nature

IUD No Mas, Work, School, and Oh My Gawd I found a Therapist

For the record, I think the Merena IUD is the BEST birth control method EVER. I had the old school one before was eew. BUT the Mirena is fantastic. Last week I had mine removed because its time was up last month. I can't believe it's been five years already. Not gonna lie, I have mixed feelings about it being gone. I kind of want it back, like a three year old wants her pacifier that she can't have anymore! LOL Who would've thought that my IUD would be some sort of security blanket?! ha ha

Work. Is. Good. Shipments and merchandising are my babies. Both...for Christmas, start in exactly 1 week! yay yay yay! I like a challenge, it's in my nature.

I've got a pretty massive photo shoot tomorrow, I'm excited. I'll post pictures soon! It is a huge family. I'm shooting it at Elmwood Park on the University of Nebraska at Omaha campus. I am a little nervous, because anytime there are that many people; it can be a bit chaotic. I already established that I will be the only 'cook in the kitchen', so I am crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly.

As for school, I am starting classes again next week; it HAS to be done. This means I will blog more, since I use it as a personal bribe to myself for completing homework. whatever, works: don't hate!

I found a therapist/ life coach and am pretty excited. "I like a's in my nature'....has something to do with the reason I want to speak to a therapist! I have my girls, and my Rod...but this is simply me doing something for me...which I am becoming better and better at.


  1. I hope you stop by for coffee soon!!! I would like to get to chat with you for a minute!!! I have a couple questions!! As usual I LOVE your blog! ~Desiree~

  2. I will Love, you know it! hugs!
