I didn't know that, did you?
I think it's pretty interesting!
I love that my daughter knows useless information...it'sa life skill, just sayin'.
As we walked up to the door, Cierra said, "Mom, we don't have to look because I want to be THAT pirate for Halloween, okay?"
clears throat
There was a lifesize window cling of a stripperesque pirate costume. No doubt it was hot...but C is NINE! lol
Sometimes, okay maybe most of the time, I say things without even thinking about it.
"You can't wear that until you get your peroiod." lol
C just shrugged and kept walking.
My comment completely backfired when she ran up while loud and excitedly asking, "Can I start wearing mascara when I get my period as well?". We talk about that shit like we talk about the weather. I forget that most people do not. Needless to say, I got a horrified look from the father in the aisle next to me with two girls under the age of six. ha ha
We ended up finding an appropriate pirate costume and Rod found himself a costume as well. lol Here are some pictures! Aarg!
Hands off ladies, he's ALL mine!
I had to work,. Lame.
For the record, I think the Merena IUD is the BEST birth control method EVER. I had the old school one before that...it was eew. BUT the Mirena is fantastic. Last week I had mine removed because its time was up last month. I can't believe it's been five years already. Not gonna lie, I have mixed feelings about it being gone. I kind of want it back, like a three year old wants her pacifier that she can't have anymore! LOL Who would've thought that my IUD would be some sort of security blanket?! ha ha
Work. Is. Good. Shipments and merchandising are my babies. Both...for Christmas, start in exactly 1 week! yay yay yay! I like a challenge, it's in my nature.
I've got a pretty massive photo shoot tomorrow, I'm excited. I'll post pictures soon! It is a huge family. I'm shooting it at Elmwood Park on the University of Nebraska at Omaha campus. I am a little nervous, because anytime there are that many people; it can be a bit chaotic. I already established that I will be the only 'cook in the kitchen', so I am crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly.
As for school, I am starting classes again next week; it HAS to be done. This means I will blog more, since I use it as a personal bribe to myself for completing homework. whatever, works: don't hate!
I found a therapist/ life coach and am pretty excited. "I like a challenge...it's in my nature'....has something to do with the reason I want to speak to a therapist! I have my girls, and my Rod...but this is simply me doing something for me...which I am becoming better and better at.
Here are some pictures, in no particular order!
Rod, Cierra and I hosted a Pumpkin carving Party at our house last week. We carved and then ate till we couldn't eat 'no mo'. ha ha
We went to The Bellevue Berry farm for pumpkins.
We stopped in the lobby of the art store for pictures with the Grim Reaper! lol (pumpkin carving parties would be a bust without a giant bag of tea lights! Clearly.)
We were laughing because my five year old niece carved a little girl with a bob into her pumpkin. Once we lit all the pumpkins, we realized it didn't quite LOOk like a little girl when it was lit..... SO.....We called it the penis pumpkin.
Happy Pumpkin Carving!
It isn't sexy, and not predictable and it IS warm (kinda) and it will totally win a contest.
Cierra is going to be a flower...here is the sketch of the idea and, with my makeup skills and flower that will make it happen!
The doctor gave me steroids (MethylPREDNISolone) to help it come back; they were equally horrible. I felt like I had morning sickness every time I took them. blech. I do not like them... AT. ALL.
The first day that I completely lost my voice was at the wedding last weekend. I am a freelance make-up artist. It is my favorite kind of 'work'. I tried calling Lace for directions to the cabin where everyone was getting ready, but she couldn't hear me!!!! After a little mini heart attack, I found it on my own...but was about ten minutes late! When I finally walked in and attempted to talk, she said, "OH my GAWD Jen... was that you on the phone? You creeped me out! I thought it was a prank call!" She went on to say that my voice was very Horror film fabulous. lol
Here is Lacy after I did her makeup; we went for a natural smoky eye. She looked beautiful!
Rod and I went to the wedding and reception, though we both should've just stayed in since he was horribly hungover and I was sick, sick, sick! We looked good though; agreed?! (this is a picture of a picture of us from the wedding) lol
Good times!
I can't believe it is already October and we've been in our house for almost two months! Here it was then: (well, the dining room anyway)
Here it is now! We've been busy and I absolutely LOVE my boyfriend for putting up the wine rack under the martini canvas! le sigh.
Oh! and I did the black cardboard thingy to the windows to decorate for Halloween they look super great! The tree is just two pieces of black poster board taped together. I sketched out a tree, cut it out and then taped it to the window. The spiders are from the Martha Stewart cheater Halloween window decor line at Michael's for 5 bucks (unless you use your 40% off coupon like I did! I love coupons! Anyway, when the lights are on in the house, it looks super creepy-cute! yay!
I am heavily tattooed and don't regret any of them. I love all things outdoors! I just graduated with my MSM; the whole thing was abit anti-climatic! I am talkative, smart, funny, creative, athletic and a damn good cook! I hope you enjoy my little slice of life!