Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life Pauses, My Big Fat Blister and My Nails Have Their Own Life Cycle.

Today is Thursday. It has been a very busy week!

I had to call in to work to pick Cierra up from school. I am hoping that my boss will let me use a sick day; we shall see. I never call in sick, but when being a single momma calls...I don't have a choice in the matter! Sometimes, life pauses JUST when you need it to!

This morning was my long run, as you saw by my girl scout cookie post. I ran the Keystone Trail 'Bellevue Loop' and a couple miles of the Keystone Trail South. I thought it was just 10 miles, but ended up closer to 11 (since my map remembering skills are rusty and I cannot run with my laptop). At the beginning of the trail there was this big bike parts pyramid thingy. Though today was a good run, I probably won't run this route again. The trail is between freshly manured corn fields. It smelled SO bad for the first five miles that I almost puked. The smells went from wet swamp, to dog food, to poo, to a weird beef jerky smell. BLECH!

Behold! Cow Poop fields that produce the best corn you've ever tasted, out of the worse smelling fields your nose has ever had the pleasure of smelling.

I ran the WHOLE way! It is such a big accomplishment for me. I honestly don't think I've ever been this satisfied by anything I've pushed myself to do.....EV-ER.

After today, I feel super excited about the half marathon. I am even more excited since I talked to my mom and sister; they are going to wake up, drive to Lincoln and go to Memorial Stadium fifty yard line, where the finish line is to cheer for me. I didn't think anybody was going to be at the finish line to hug my sweaty butt when I was done (that made me alota sad).

Either way...I'm doing this for me.

Somewhere in the past three years or so, I lost focus of myself and the power to make things happen. I've learned a lot about myself this year alone that I forgot was there. I feel stronger and happier than I have ever been.

blah blah blah I digress.

I NEED new running shoes BAD! This is what happened to my toe, post-run.Lucky for me, my boyfriend most definitely does NOT have a foot fetish. I'm coming to realize that runners feet are kinda gross. (although I do not consider myself a 'runner'....yet)

My cuticles and nails are disastrous at the moment. They don't look that bad in this picture, but TRUST..they have their own life cycle (even with my beloved nail envy)


  1. YEAY!! I am so excited for you. Please don't ever quit running... It gives me hope that my happy ass will be a'runnin someday, too... Gross toes and all!

  2. Sooooo impressed with your running. I just can't seem to motivate myself to do it:)

  3. lol You just hafta do it.
    Suck air,
    hate it,
    love it...whatever...just DO it!

    When you are done, even if you didn't run 'well' you will feel stronger and more accomplished than before. That's why I've kept at it so far.
