Friday, June 25, 2010
Breakfast of Champions

That being said, here is a picture that I took a couple of weeks back. The raccoon was living in the balcony of the apartment directly across from mine. He was like a cartoon and would lazily lounge in plain view right before the sun would set.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Random Sand Volleyball Pictures
For Some Things There Are No Words
My step-mom always says, "Let it go and set it free, if it comes back (he or she), it is meant to be."
I always shrugged it off...until this weekend.
The only man I've ever truly loved came into my life again this weekend. He spoke to me from his heart about our falling out last summer. He apologized and melted me all over again. We are giving it another go...one day at a time. I normally don't blog about this stuff, BUT this is the exception.
"Love comes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed, to those who still believe although they've been betrayed, to those who still love although they've been hurt before."
Tornado Ride
There is a bicycle ride every Thursday called the Taco Ride. It is a 20 mile bike ride on the Wabash Trail in Iowa. The Taco Ride includes getting a little sweaty and then drinking some beers (and eating tacos') with friends.
This past Thursday, my friend Renee and I went (she was a Taco Ride virgin). It was suppose to storm; it was sunny at 6 so we said, "Bump it....we're going. A little rain never hurt anybody!"
We were in a Tornado watch, so the ride was endearingly called the 'Tornado Ride'. lol
Needless to say, on the way back, three miles in, IT POURED! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. There was MUD EVERYWHERE!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Night I Burnt My Boob and Failed My Own Diversion.
This was a glorious night. (there was hallelujah music and everything) Here is why:
I went on a date with THE most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on. I call him Mexico City, because that is where he is from. He is ummm maybe 6'4" with the darkest brown eyes you've ever seen. A goatee frames his mouth perfectly. Going into this date I knew two things. I WAS going to kiss those lips and I was most definitely NOT going to sleep with him. After all, what kind of girl sleeps with the most beautiful man she's ever seen on her first date?
That being said, I had to give myself a diversion.
Yup. My Very own diversion plan.
My Diversion Plan: 1.
2. Do NOT clean your apartment. Leave laundry all over the bed so there is no chance of bringing him home and holding him hostage in that very BED!
The only problem with my diversion plan is that I have ZERO self-control in the correct circumstances and the circumstances this night were definitely correct.
We met for our date at the perfect little lounge. It was a Monday night; no-body was there accept for us and a creepy young guy at the bar. We were at a high-top table sitting right next to each other. We began talking about where we grew up, how we both got to Omaha, when, where and why. I told him about my Cierra and then asked him how old he was. "Age is only a number", he said (in a DIVINE accent)
For the record, I have six years on him AND could care less.
The night moved on, the conversation got even better and before I knew it we were at my apartment. The minute Gorgeous went in the bathroom I quickly shoved everything in sight into the nearest closet. It was ridiculous, really. The whole time I was cursing myself for not knowing myself better. I never let a pile of laundry stop me from doing anything else....why would Mr. Mexico City be any different? lol
Once Mr. Mexico City was out of the bathroom, I told him about my diversion plan. He laughed and said, "You think too much".
I planted him on the couch, with a drink and the remote and headed to the bathroom to SHAVE my goddamn legs. While the tub was filling up, I cleaned some more. ha ha
Once my legs were shaved the rest was history until we made it into my room. Mr. Mexico proceeded to whisper that he couldn't see very well and wanted some light, so he could vividly remember everything. I ran out to my living room, pulled the table lamp out of the socket and brought it to my room to plug in. While bending over it, to plug it in...I BURNT MY BOOB! This whole night was a big fat comedy of errors.
IF I never saw him again....I would still always remember.....the night I burnt my boob and failed my own diversion.
Here is the lamp(I must've dented to shade when I jumped from the burn):Here is the burn 24 hours later, blister included.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Dear Toothfairy
Thursday, June 10, 2010

I REALLY want to invest in a road bike, so I can start commuting. I can commute on my Myca, but she isn't too streamline...or light. My inspiration: Sarah from Greenstreet Cycles and great legs
All the single ladies....
It was my decision. I wasn't even sad; that is how I know that I made the right decision....just sayin'