Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My New Darkness

Burnt Wieners
Big Fat Zuccini
Chiggers are the biggest pain in the ass...and legs...and thighs...and back- uggity. Apparently, taking a nice HOT bath kills them instantly, as per ask.com. I remember getting chiggers from my friends farm in Texas when I was little. My mom coated each little annoying thing with a coat of clear nail polish... This time it was my sister and there was no clear...only hot fabulous pink.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Goat Roast
Here are some pictures..they are the only ones I've got, so Enojoy! (vegetarians....just so ya know...YOU er uuhhmm MAY want to just click the 'x' button now..) Not-so-Ewy- BUT Gooey goat Head

I'm fabulous...clearly.
I realize that you wouldn't know it by reading my winey-baby blog before, but you MUST understand----- I was pre-menstrally bitchy, tired, under-sexed, and over-worked! ,p> Now....now I am better! (sorry about that-seriously) Had a world wind last couple of weeks and am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...FOR SURE!
ULTA is fantastic! I am so unbelievably Hap- hap-happy to be face first in the cosmetics industry once again. My training for 'Prestige Store Manager' is finally complete, testers are ordered and the cleaning streak has begun. ( I am OCD about ALL testers being spotlessly clean ALL the time) the reason is simple. As a consumer...that does (not lately), but HAS spent LOADS of money of products; I will not buy, unless I can touch and or smell them FIRST. If there is anything funky going on in the testers zone to prevent that...then the sale is lost. Anyhauser, you get what I mean.
Needless to say, my work is cutout for me. I've got an A-Plus group of girls and can't wait to blow our first event out of the water!
I found an apartment...F-I-N-A-L-L-Y. I can't move in until August 15th, but am so excited I could scream! It isn't the fabulous downtown loft I was hoping for, but think it will do the job for the time being. I am just happy that it isn't a huge cookie cutter apartment complex and sort-of looks like a house.
At this point in my life, sensible is more important that other things. GAWD.
For the record sensible is over-rated, but I am pretty confident in my ability to make sensible the new black. My apartment (and when I say apartment, I mean ME), CAN be sensible sexy. I'll call it- Jexible...or Sensi Jexy or Jexy Sense; step back Webster this phrase is gonna catch (there are enough Jen's in this world to make it happen).
Won't you all be happy when I am in my apartment and back to blogging regularly? Oh I am so excited!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I am tired but can't sleep...or should I say exhausted! I have so much on my mind right now it is hard to sort through myself. Sometimes I think this blog steals my brain cells and keeps them for herself. My blog is a girl...clearly. Selfish selfish blog...don't you know I need every ounce of my brain right now!
I am stressin over apartmentish stuff.
I need to move out.
-Spending the night at a different house every night is getting tiresome.
-Paying my own brother rent sucks (partially because I am never there).
-I don't feel I can move out until I find out a start date for my newish job and nail down exactly what I will be making after taxity shiz.
-The whole not knowing where I'm going to live thing, sort of throws a wrench in figuring schools out for C.
-Hotrod stresses me in his own little way which I can't put my finger on at the moment...and even if I did I'm not sure that I'd even go there on this blog.
-My financial aid is draggin ass again- the class I NEED is almost full...THIS IS NOT kosher!
-Cierra's dad is getting her a cell phone. I don't think an eight-year-old needs a cell phone.
-I miss my friends...I haven't found a vent able buddy here yet and I do believe it's taking it's toll.
-I broke down in tears for the first time in YEARS in front of my mom tonight- I felt like a big fat baby.
- Do you know how hard it is to be a bill collector, have a bad day AND get yelled at by people? Please be nice to collectors that call you...they only do it because you don't pay your bills on time and have their collateral. Deal.