Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Goodness

Thanksgiving was fab! Everyone came to my house! It was the first time in ten years that I've spent Thanksgiving with my family! le sigh

I gotmy video camera out for it and as soon as I'm done splic'n it all together, I will post it! Can't wait! Happy Latesgiving to you all! May Christmas season officially begin, says I! :)

Black Friday Goodness

Black Friday at ULTA was a huge success! Fabulous for these three reasons:
1) I didn't have to go in until 8a.m. -YEssssss!
2) We were goaled (my side of the store) at 10 thousand for the week...that is what we did in ONE day! - YESsssss!
3) I quite possibly will get a pretty big promotion next week- Triple Yessssss!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Solo Flight Mom Cameraman

Today was Cierra's first flight, alone, as an unaccompanied minor. She was super excited about it! It's gonna be QUITE a week.
I have to meet her dad in Denver on Sunday to pick her up.. Denver is a 9 hour drive from here and she has school the next day. Suck, suck, suck! The only halfway exciting thing I can think of to make the 18 hours in a row exciting, is taking my camera and making it worth it!

I've actually been taking pictures more, though I haven't posted anything here yet. I promise I will, after the Black Friday goodness! My mom will be staying with me for w few weeks here while my brother-in-law is spending time at the house with my sister and the kiddos. I put her to work tonight, holding my video camera while I baked some of my fave stuff. I'll make some sort of video with them...FO SHO!

You are oozing excitement, aren't you? lol

NaBloPoMo 2009 Big Fat Fail!

I always start NaBloPoMo with completely good intentions and then at the downhill slope of the final leg, I drudge on! NaBloPoMo, for those of you whom are unaware is National Blog Posting Month where you post once a day for the full month of November! As you can see; it's been a couple of days! I've resigned to finishing NaBloPoMo with 30 posts in 30 days rather than one post per day! ;)

You love my justification process...don't hate!

Monday, November 23, 2009

About the Books

About the books I just bought for class.(I realize you'd rather hear something more juicy...but the only three things going on is I am not taking pictures as I said I would (You'll forgive me right?), I am also fabulously broke and my policeman and I are still dating though its not gonna be 'facebook official' anytime soon) That being said, I am fantastic..but still can't wait to get on with November...I'm over it!

Anyhauser: I digress. About the books:

One of them is called "How to Make Friends and Influence People". It was suggested reading and I checked it out as reference for my last paper.I thought the title was amuzing. It is surprisingly good..and surprisingly 'duh'! Ever had a re-invent type moment?

I've never had problems making friends really, but this book, though strikingly basic outlines the following in the 'Make People Like You' section: (It was a quick read...what can I say?)

Six Ways to Make People Like You

1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
2. Smile
3. Remember that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
5. Talk in terms of the other persons interests.
6. Make the other person feel important- and do it sincerely.

Now, I wanted to blog about this, because I tend to think that genuinley speaking to people is an artform. It is an artform that I want to get even better at.

I had the nicest guests today at work, hardly felt like I was working at all.I am going to try to remember three stranger's names everyday. (It's a good start)
Today, I met Al and Michelle Irions from the cover band called Taxi Driver and the prettiest mother of five named Michelle. I love days like today!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Used Saves?!

I want these: I want these BAD!
But instead...I got these:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Change of Scenery

I must admit I don't do so hot in cloudy, dark weather. I much prefer the sun! I could use a change of scenery. Don't worry, I'm not about to pack up and move somewhere. I DO, HOWEVER, want to plan something great for this summer. I want to study somewhere else, or volunteer with a great organization while Cierra is at her dad's this summer. I realize it depends heavily on my job situation, but I am going to look into it, yup!

You should know that I actually hung my camera on my doorknob tonight so tomorrow I will take pictures of SOMETHING! For sure!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blue Line Coffee

November 16, 2009

Before my interview a few days ago, I went to Blue Line Coffee in Omaha. (Underwood area)

@Blue Line Coffee: Among Intelectuals…in the middle of the day and not feeling very intelectual.

Fully bearded photographers, Long haired businessmen in suits. Plain jane midwestern girls wearing their own version of black. An older woman in a fur coat is talking on her cell phone outside… the whole atmosphere is somewhat mesmerizing. There is a sprinkle of tattooed people and laptops everywhere. 1920’s period art, blues and Old school Johnny Coltrane playing with the hum and gurgle of espresso periodically interrupting. I think I really like this place.

The coffee is strong but flavorful, my everything bagel isn’t as good as Satelite Coffee in ALbuquerque..but sure as hell comes close. The prices are really, really good. (sigh) My coffee is much too hot to drink right now! (I am homesick..I miss Satelite Coffee on Wednesday morning with Valency fabulous).

I am nervous about this interview, but couldn’t be bothered to even think about it. I’ve always interviewed well , it is a personality trait I was born with. I have the ability to make a fantastic first impression, which I still think is weird. Sometimes I wish I made shitty first impressions, then people wouldn’t expect so much. My laziness oozes out of that statement; clearly.

When I was feeling un-motivated in highschool…I would do exactly what I am doing now. Type. Type. Type. Type about the weather, type about people, type about whatever it is that is clouding my mind from the prospective of actually completing the tasks at hand.

On that note, I wonder this loaded question: WHY on God's green Earth am I drawm to men whom are completely emotionally un-available. I see a trend here...seriously.

Yuor Mndis Eye is Buaeitfl

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid -- aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was important.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Lack of Pictures...

I realize that my lack of blog pictures is NOT acceptable. I will remedy this, I swear. Bear with me! Here are a few random ones from the last couple of months.

Here is C and I on Halloween night while I was doing her hair with my FAVE hairspray. Tigi Bedhead "Hard Head".

Here is a random picture I took at the Punmpkin Patch. Objects bore me..I'd rather photograph people...but turned out pretty cool.

Here is C and I at the Pumpkin Patch. I wore the red squishy boots I stole from Valency at our garage sale last spring.

Here is blurry me and my new JVC video camera (which I ALSO need to pull out more.)

Last, but not least; my remote control tarantula...that is broken. :( boooo

Stupid Pseudo Ex-Boyfriend

There have been a couple of things lately that have been 'Interesting' to say the least. There is the pseudo-ex boyfriend thing and (clears throat) yeah that pretty much is it. It's a in MY book it counts as TWO things!(He's my pseudo ex-boyrfriend, because according to him we were just 'friends')

Apparently my pseudo ex-boyfriend felt the need to bludgeon my sister with IM's last week for well over an HOUR. Just found this out and I'm like....Huh? WTF? He told her he was moving and whole bunch of other non-sense.

For the record: Leave my family alone....I realize they are FANTASTIC, but you don't get to talk to them anymore. Also, for the record: When I said 'Fuck you' and 'Goodbye' and "I'll find someone who actually loves me for me", I meant it....That's how I roll.

SO. On that note; move away, run away, go away. Leave me (and my family) alone.

Period Fart Threat

First, if I suddenly stop blogging; it may be because my sister killed me.

Tonight the girls were under the table being obnoxiously loud. They kept messing with our was slightly entertaining because we kept giving them bogus random threats. My sister took the cake when she said this:

"If you girls don't get out from under the table I am going to fart on you...not just a regular fart...but a PERIOD FART".

LMAO If you are a know why this is bloody funny. Period.



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bad Hair equals a Bad Testimony

I almost forgot to tell you guys what I overheard at work the other day. For those of you whom are unaware; I grew up in a VERY religious home. We went to church something like six times per week growing up. I was friends, on occasion, with the uber religious types that never cut their hair, didn't wear makeup or pants/shorts. They always intrigued me (and still do). That being said, we get alot of these women that shop at my store. Though they do not buy make-up, they will drop major cash on skincare and professional hair care products. They are always nice and most of the time, will talk to the tattooed girl (me). I'm pretty sure I intrigue them as much as they intrigue me. lol

Let me tell you, for those of you who don't know, WHY these women don't cut their hair.

Bible Lesson of the Day

There is a scripture, 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, to be exact, that calls a woman's hair her glory. These women take this very seriously, obviously and would never 'cut' what God calls their glory.

The other day I had just helped a couple of them find Nioxin shampoo. As I walked away, one of them said to the other, "Unclean looking hair is very unattractive, and (if you are growing it for religious reasons), it’s a bad testimony".

I thought this was wildly amuzing.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th and the Embarrassing Crime Scene

After typing the title there, I realized it kinda sounds like a bad mystery novel. That being said; It has been an interesting week, to say the least. How fitting is it that it 'ends' with Friday the 13th? Weird. There was the apartment thing, the work thing, the mom-puke thing and the embarrassing thing.

The Apartment Thing

My apartment drama finally came to a head yesterday. Turns out, they were just being assholes for the sake of being assholes. There is something to be said about being face-to-face with assholes, they usually change there tune when there isn't distance, a computer or phone in the middle. I did my Goddamn hair and makeup ON MY DAY OFF,dressed cute-tabulous and drove the 15 miles North to the main office. Once I got there and spoke with them face-to-face it was like MAGIC. fuckers.

The Work Thing

We are gearing up for the Holiday season at ULTA. I'm excited; I LOVE Christmas...even in retail. My time flies, I make more money and am always relieved when the day is done which means I sleep better! We hired an old friend of mine, she worked one day and threw in the towel. WTF? I am officially NEVER putting my name behind someone else's. You can go through the same process as everyone else. Geeze. Now I'm one girl down again. The only good thing about this is...I'll get more hours! Yay Me!

The Mom Puke Thing

Just click here to catch up (I'm lazy this morning and don't feel like re-telling the story!

Embarrassing Thing

I generally don't write about my date-life, as entertaining as it would is mine. However, I had my first official embarrassing moment with my policeman last night. Let's just say, there was the potential of making his bed look like a Gaddamn crime-scene. I don't really get a period...because of my dear, dear Mirena (which I love and think every woman should have). I don't think he was too tramatized. On the plus side, it was late so I just took a shower over there. I used boy body wash on my hair (gasp) and boy conditioner and combed my wet hair with one of those combs that come in shave kits. He's such a Bachelor---if you look it up in the dictionary...his picture is there. Swear. The BEST part (besides smelling like him when I woke up this morning) was....when I got home and my hair was still wet, my mom told my sister, "I bet she got cum in her hair." Ladies and mom has NO shame and that is clearly not what happened., Happy Friday the 13th, may your day be half as eventful as my week was!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Since When is a Spade Fucking..

Since when is a spade fucking racist? I put the following as an update status on facebook lastnight, "Calling a spade a spade cause that's what I do...". Apparently, this can be construde an a racial slur? I was clueless- clearly. The funny things is...anybody who knows me, knows this is the FARTHEST from the truth.

In England, where I lived for nearly half of the previous decade...a spade is a shovel. Calling a 'spade a spade' OR a 'shovel a shovel IS what it fucking IS.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'My Mom Puked' Ladies Night...

Remember how I said every Wednesday is 'Ladies Night' at Lacy's? Well, it is a night when my closest friends, mom, sister and I get our kiddos together, drink some vino and combine what we all have left in our fridge to have some dinner.

I WISH I would've brought my camera tonight- seriously.

It was a good night! Found out that my gay husband Kyle is in the final twenty cut for The Real World and is being interviewed next month. (His newest boyfriend isn't so happy about this). We weren't suppose to mention it while he was there (the new boyfriend), but MOM got drunk as a skunk and conveniently forgot. Classic.

Kyle, for the record, you are a shoe in-Clearly.

Drunk Mom

SO on the way home, my mom classically launched her cookies in my sisters newish SUV. It smelled disgusting and my sister had to pull over to clean it up with BABYWIPES. I was laughing so hard I almost peed. It was the kind of laugh I call the 'church laughs'; the laugh you know ya aren't spose to be laughing but CANNOT for the LIFE of you STOP...yup, that was me. Tonight.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Real Sugar in my Coffee

I am out of Splenda, so this morning I had to put real sugar in my coffee. It wasn't as good. booo hiss!

I've actually had a pretty productive morning thus far. My Internet connection is fixed and not as sketchy (which is a good thing since I am behind in posting homework), I opened a new account with USAA (which I've been meaning to do since I moved) and I cleaned my kitchen; All in 45 minutes!

. Today is going to be a pretty busy day. I am going into work early, so I can leave early and watch my niece and nephew for a bit. Then my friend Kim is coming over to brainstorm 1980's costumes to wear to work tomorrow. Pretty exciting stuff round these parts. As you can see by this post....there is probably a reason why I shouldn't blog every day. lol

Monday, November 9, 2009

Homework Music

Doing homework...listening to this stuf:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Sunday, November 8, 2009

All of Omaha Was Raggin'

Today can kiss it! I SWEAR every woman in Omaha was on the rag today, and I had the pleasure of working on this momentous occasion.

This morning was well enough, but work? Different story all together. I had a lady go OFF on me because I wasn't aware of when she could use her stupid coupons. It was only because her coupons were for SEPHORA...not us (ULTA). That's like getting pissed at Burger King for not knowing when you can use your Monopoly free food pieces.

Holiday is gonna be fun, I can feel it already. Do you think I could sneak a pony keg in? hmmmmmmm

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oral Herpes is a Horrible Horrible Thing....

When I worked at Bank of the West over the summer as a bill collector, there was a lunch napper. Somebody was going into the employee fridge and steeling people's food. Sometimes it was the whole lunch and other times it was just a thing or two. My poor friend LeAnne was a culprit to this rat many, many, many times. So much so, that I jokingly brought a padlock and duct tape into work for her.(I never kept my food in that fridge, just at my desk where I could see it!) I grow horns when I'm hungry; I wasn't taking chances at work! ha!

One day LeAnne came storming around the corner in tears, because it happened HER. It didn't help things that she was having a bad day, and only had one more cigarette; poor thing. I had extra food in my desk, and pretty much the whole night shift smoked, so she was taken care of. our lunch was comical. We split my PBnJ and pretzels and had massive amounts of instant coffee, al-la-jen's-desk.

As soon as we were done eating I grabbed my bright blue dry erase marker and wrote the following on a piece of paper and taped it to the fridge: Ah! The wonderful, wonderful power of suggestion! It entertained me and made LeAnne laugh. I love making people laugh; it makes my world go round!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fifty Doller Nap...

Today was a strange day...I slept for half of it, cleaned for the rest of it and determined that I really don't like my apartment management. What a great epiphany!

The Sleeping Thing...

I worked more early mornings this week than normal, I think it just caught up with me. PLUS, I'm kinda broke at the moment and sleeping if FREEEEEeee! Ha!

The Cleaning Thing...

Since my hours were strange last week, I spent more time at my mom and sister's than usual, meaning that my house was neglected. Yuckity No Mas! It's back to bein fantastical!

The Apartment Thing

Two things have happened recently that annoy me to no end. First, you must know, it rained most nights in October AND the dumpster to my apartment is FOREVER away. I stuck two bags of trash on my porch, because it was dark and I wasn't going to walk all the way out there, in the rain, to take my trash out.

I HATE taking the trash have no idea.

Anyway, the next day I had a nice little notice on my door that basically said, "You have been warned, remove the bags of trash from your patio; they are unslightly and attract bugs."


I double bag my trash, the bags are hefty, white and smell good. The last time I checked, bugs don't attack trash when it is below freezing and fucking raining. I took my trash out the next morning. Needless to say, I had two additional notices about the same damn thing throughout the week (even though it was gone the next morning). How annoying. THEN, my rent was due today. I had every intention of taking it to the office today....but I slept literally all day. SO I called them at 4:30, asking if I brought it first thing in the morning(so they can still deposit it with all the others) if they would waive the late fee. She said in her cheery, high-pitched little voice, "Nope!"

Fucking great.

My nap cost me fifty bucks!Now THAT my friend is PRICELESS!

Only Your Family...

My niece and my daughter play and fight like they are sisters. They adore each other equally as much as they despise each other at times. My niece, Chloe is five years younger than my Cierra. They are the exact same age apart as my little sister and I. Chloe is sassy. My sister says she is a lot like me (ha!). In the same respect, my little one has a lot of my sisters' qualities.

Yesterday they were arguing about something and Cierra said the following to Chloe, "You can't act that way Chloe....or the ONLY people who will be your friend is your family! You don't want THAT do you?" Chloe said no...and they continued to play.

It was really funny to me, yet REALLY true.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Retro post: "Cierra Looks Like Ginger"

Today, when I picked up Cierra from the after school club, one of her teachers told me, "Cierra looks like that one actress from Ginger Snaps".
I never saw it, so I youtubed the trailor when I got home. The actress' name is Katherine Isabelle...

So... what you're saying is... I'm in TROUBLE! lol
Here is Ginger Snaps featurette...fucking great.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What I DON'T Want

"Sometimes figuring out what you don't want is just as important as figuring out what you want" - I've come to realize that these things are one in the same.

Things I DON'T want, in no particular order are as follows:

I don't ever want a job that I despise.

I don't want bad coffee...ev-er.

I don't want boring or draining friends

I don't want a car that isn't dependable.

I don't want bad hair.

On that note, I don't want short hair.

I don't want bad tattoos

I don't want to be forgotten.

I don't want fake nails.

I don't want a man who owns cats or one who doesn't drink beer

None of those things work for me.

I don't want to still be in school when I am 35.

I don't want to be an adult that kids can't talk to.

I don't want hard pillows.

I don't want to take myself too seriously.

I don't want ugly panties.

I don't want to stop moving forward.

I don't want my life without my family.

I don't want to live in Texas again.

I don't want to be lethargic.

I don't want to stop smiling.

I don't want my life without music.

I don't want to settle.

I don't want to stop exploring.

I am sure there are more, but yeah...that pretty much sums it up.

NaBloPoMo Numero Dos

November is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). The month in which I shall (attempt) to post every single day. Last year I posted once for every day, but did miss a couple of consecutives. Anywho, this should be interesting!

Last week was insane. It seems like the only reason I was at my house at all was to sleep and change clothes. Needless to say, tonight I will be clean, clean, cleaning and then doing home, home, homework!

Halloween Goth Girl Hair and Makeup

Here is the video of C's hair and makeup by yours truly for Halloween!
