I usually pride myself on my personalized Christmas card photo's that don't really look 'homemade'. I skipped last year, so THIS year had to be rad!
Last year was shit, by early December I hadn't been promoted yet and was B-ROKE. Cierra didn't have a Birthday Party, and the only reason I put a tree up was because my mother bought one for us!
In contrast; This year has been really good. Getting things back to normal sometimes seemed like a long journey, but before I knew it, things were looking up!
It makes me so very grateful for my family and friends. Never stop hoping, never stop being positive (which is sometimes easier said than done) and never stop loving!
I digress (or should I say.... I ramble...) lol
Here is our family Christmas Card. Photoshopped by yours truly!
Photoshop Shiz: I put a Christmas bow on the box, in the picture of Rod and I. Then created a layer out of the sunglasses, so when I was finished layering Rod and I onto the lenses, I could overlay an opaque layer, giving the illusion of mirrored lenses. Using the image of Rod and I; I doubled over the picture onto Cierra's lenses and used layering mask to crop out the background behind us. Finally I dragged the lenses layer over the cropped image of us and put the opacity down to 18%. viola!
And here is the randomage that got us to that point: