Thursday, June 10, 2010


My bike is still broke! I bought her back in December in the middle of the blizzard. I couldn't ride it till late spring when all the snow and ice melted.
In the past three months I managed to bend the rear derailer, (thanks to a dump with my Cierra on the trail-a-bike), stretch the cables and abuse her in other unimaginable ways. I called her Ghostrider for the past few weeks, because she would ghost shift at the worse possible times! That being said, she's been in the shop for almost a week now. Boooooo

I REALLY want to invest in a road bike, so I can start commuting. I can commute on my Myca, but she isn't too streamline...or light. My inspiration: Sarah from Greenstreet Cycles and great legs


  1. Those are killer legs!! I'd bike more if I wasn't so lazy... or if it wasn't so hot... or if I didn't live in the boonies... I have WAY too many excuses!!

  2. ha ha You should do it! Biking is more fun than running (in my book anyway)! :)
