If, by chance I am still VERY pregnant by the time Halloween rolls around, I will be a kick ass Glamorous Miss Piggy.
For the record...Miss Piggy will have her own make-up line via MAC Cosmetics in February, coinciding with the release of the Muppet's film! I could totally rock this pregnant!
And at last resort, I could always be a pregnant Geisha (although much more fabulous than the one pictured here: middle)
While researching Geisha stuff, I found this photo of a supposed Geisha's foot. (It's one of those deer-caught-in-the-headlights sorta things... Upon further research, there is no way that this was the foot of a Geisha, as foot-binding was a Chinese tradition, not Japanese. You can read more about it here. The tradition was banned in 1911. I have too much time on my hands, clearly.