Thursday, May 27, 2010

If you don't have anything nice to say....

I'm back.

The last month has been interesting to say the least. It started out good, but somewhere in the middle just got plain yucky! My mom would always tell us, "If you don't have anything nice to say; don't say anything at all", although holding my thoughts on the tip of my tongue was never my strong point! I tend not to blog when I'm 'in a mood'! I also tend not to blog when my wireless connection is down. I was trying to save money and go without an internet connection for the summer; who was I kidding? I didn't even last a whole month!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And...magic is where the magic happens. My make-up station is on the floor. lol Isn't it grand?
Magic. This is where the magic happens!

See? Magic. lol
All this magic, JUST to have a tipped pallet waiting in the morning! Yay! :)

Marathon Pictures

This is my, "Don't take a picture of me" face!

These are my Birthday shoes. Todd's parents gave them to me for my Birthday.

This is me at mile ummmm 10 or 11ish. ;)
I don't have finish line pictures yet, but it was pretty amazing! The finish line was on the 50yard line of Memorial Stadium. This is me with my first Half Marathon medal, my pink "Birthday Girl" pin, and my prize banana (it was sooo good).
Seriously.....I DO NOT wanna hear excuses as to why it is you can't run...Look at this!!!!

Belated Birthday Cupcakes

The Friday night before my Birthday (almost a month ago) fell on a sand volleyball night. My yummy friend Sony made me some truffle infused chocolate cupcakes. they were DIVINE! Here are some pictures!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lincoln Half Marathon

I DID IT! On my 31st Birthday, I ran 13.1 for the first time in my life!

The Lincoln Half Marathon was on May 2nd! It was A-MAZING to run with over 6,000 other runners. They were all different shapes, sizes and ages. My weekly long runs were up to 8-10 miles before I tapered two weeks ago. My legs are still REALLY sore, due to the massive Hill at mile 9. If you've ever thought about running a 10k or Half Marathon, all i can say is, DO IT! It will be the most rewarding feeling you've experienced. Besides, once you reach a certain age, 'firsts' of anything become fewer and fewer!

About the marathon;I have a lot to be happy about.

1. I was aiming at a 10min/ per mile pace and I DID it! My end time was 2:22, which works out to be a 10.8 min mile!

2. I have no blisters.

3. Todd went up with me on Saturday, he drove us, took lots of pictures, cheered for me at mile 11 AND fed me! Be very jealous! ;)

4. I have no foot pain, because of my new shoes (Todd's parents bought me some nice new Saucony's a couple weeks ago for my Birthday; they were a Godsend).

5. My Pandora wasn't working, so I ran the whole thing without music...and still made the pace I was aiming for. Never thought it possible until I did it!

6. Becci, whom I work with ended up being the only other one, out of the original 6 that ran as well. It was nice to leave the start line with someone!7. My bib number was 5367. (I kept telling Todd that number sounded familiar and I couldn't figure out why.. He started singing "867-5309, Jenny I got your number...I'm gonna make you mine" ha ha He was RIGHT that was why it sounded familiar! I had that song in my head the whole run!

The Omaha Marathon is in September. I would really, really like to run the full marathon here in Omaha for a cause. My family would be here to cheer, they are big enough and I'm sure they'd park it every few miles to cheer! With C at her dad's for most of the summer, getting the long runs in won't be an issue. I'd like to run it for a cause though. More on that later....